The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Biden unveils $1.9 trillion economic and health-care relief package

The proposal is aimed at addressing the nation’s immediate needs. A larger recovery package will follow.

January 14, 2021 at 9:22 p.m. EST
President-elect Joe Biden revealed his $1.9 trillion emergency relief plan on Jan. 14, which included aid to American families, businesses and communities. (Video: The Washington Post, Photo: Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post)

President-elect Joe Biden laid out a $1.9 trillion emergency relief plan Thursday night that will serve as an early test of his ability to steer the nation out of a pandemic disaster and rapidly deteriorating economy — and his promise to unite a divided Congress.

The wide-ranging package is designed to take aim at the twin crises Biden will confront upon taking office Wednesday, with provisions delivering direct aid to American families, businesses and communities, and a major focus on coronavirus testing and vaccine production and delivery as the pandemic surges.