The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Biden administration, workers grapple with health threats posed by climate change and heat

The Labor Department is looking at new regulations while workers, particularly in the West, suffer through a brutal summer

July 19, 2021 at 3:20 p.m. EDT
Farmworkers replant vines at a vineyard in Davis, Calif., on July 9. California's Central Valley was under an excessive heat warning that weekend as temperatures reached up to 115 degrees. (Max Whittaker for The Washington Post)
7 min

Surging temperatures across the West Coast this summer are exposing another way that the changing climate threatens the country’s future: the danger it poses to workers, particularly those who work outside and in warehouses.

The issue has become such a concern that the Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has put a new heat illness rule on a list of agenda items for the Biden administration to consider, calling it a top priority. Right now, there is no specific federal policy that governs heat-related workplace safety, leaving states to set their own approach.