Nutrition Counseling Made Simple

Personalized nutrition sessions that promote well-being, offer support, and make eating less complicated.

Dealing with eating challenges can add unnecessary burden to your life. The team of dietitians and specialists at GRN are passionate about helping you improve your relationship with food and your body, so you can live the life you want to live without stress and frustration.

Discover Peace With Food


Discover Peace With Food 〰️

Gaining sustainable eating patterns changes everything

Nutrition counseling sessions are conducted virtually, which means we can meet with you from anywhere you like!

What Our Community Says

  • “My ED is so much more manageable and you had everything to do with it! Thank you for giving me the hope I couldn’t see for myself.”

    Adult client

  • "Throughout our sessions, I've been able to learn to acknowledge and address my hunger, instead of suppressing or ignoring it."

    Adult client

  • "I have been able to learn that my body isn't broken, I just needed to nourish it."

    Adult client

3 easy steps to get started:

1. Book an appointment.

Request a time slot for a discovery call or assessment on the appointments page and we will confirm a time that works for you.

2. We have a 15-minute call.

Just an informal chat where you get to ask questions, we get to know each other, and make sure we’re the right fit for you. 100% free.

3. Journey towards food freedom.

We’ll come up with a personalized plan that works with your schedule, lifestyle, and goals.

It’s Hard Enough to Overcome Shame.

You Don’t have to do it alone.

Our mission is to provide non-diet nutrition counseling.

We are committed to supporting those who are:

  • healing from an eating disorder or disordered eating

  • desiring a less complicated, more enjoyable relationship with food, exercise, and their body

  • seeking to break free from the chronic dieting cycle that always seems to end in disappointment

  • looking for ways to support their health and well-being, without the pressure of fitting into society’s standards

Together we will:

  • move from guilt and shame

  • move beyond disappointment and let downs

  • rid of the cyclical thoughts of embarrassment

  • talk through mindsets that create harmful patterns

You deserve true well being using a holistic approach including your physical, mental and emotional health.

"You are so compassionate and have such a gentle, yet firm approach to recovery. You have such a calm and caring composure. You made sessions so calming and anxiety-free."

Adult client

Take this quiz and improve your relationship with food. Short, sweet, and to the point.

Virtual Sessions Available All Summer

Nutrition counseling sessions are all done online for easier accessibility.

Monday - Thursday
8am–7pm CST

(832) 910-9652