Inspiring a lifetime
Know the Facts
of parents have talked to their kids at least once in the past year about alcohol consumption, up from 85% in 2022
of US traffic fatalities in 2022 were alcohol-impaired driving crashes
of adults 21+ report they know their personal limits when it comes to drinking alcohol
In 2024, 67% of American youth reportED they haD never consumed alcohol
The number of teens who report they have ever consumed alcohol has decreased 59% from 1991 to 2024
of people killed in alcohol-impaired traffic crashes in 2022 were drunk drivers
Among persons under 21, drunk driving fatalities have decreased 54% since 1991
states saw increases in the number of alcohol impaired-driving fatalities from 2021 to 2022
of adults of legal drinking age are confident that they always drink responsibly
of kids believe they will be faced with a decision regarding drinking or not drinking alcohol within the next year
We believe that with over 30 years of leadership in the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking, our passion, experience and proven solutions will continue to save lives and improve conversations regarding alcohol responsibility.

On Responsibility is a video series featuring unique leaders in parenting and beyond. Our experts offer thoughtful and practical advice to parents as they navigate the teenage years with their kids, sharing skills and tips they’ve learned to help raise responsible teenagers

Be a responsible host – learn how to keep your gatherings enjoyable and safe using our tips as guidelines

Policy Positions and Recommendations
Explore our policy positions to learn about our recommended countermeasures and related key research to support efforts to combat impaired driving and underage drinking.

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Our funding members make the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking possible through their collective action.