Eliminate Underage Drinking
Eliminate Drunk Driving
Drink Responsibly

Inspiring a lifetime

of responsible

alcohol choices.

Know the Facts

What you need to know to stay
up to date on alcohol-related statistics
In 2024, 67% of American youth reportED they haD never consumed alcohol




of kids believe they will be faced with a decision regarding drinking or not drinking alcohol within the next year

We believe that with over 30 years of leadership in the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking, our passion, experience and proven solutions will continue to save lives and improve conversations regarding alcohol responsibility.


On Responsibility is a video series featuring unique leaders in parenting and beyond. Our experts offer thoughtful and practical advice to parents as they navigate the teenage years with their kids, sharing skills and tips they’ve learned to help raise responsible teenagers

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Statistics on Underage Drinking

The majority of American teens don’t consume alcohol, but underage drinking continues to be an issue.
Stay informed with the facts.

Read Advice for Parents by Parents

Understanding How BAC Levels May Affect You

Be a responsible host – learn how to keep your gatherings enjoyable and safe using our tips as guidelines

Tips for Hosting Responsibly

#StartsWithMe Videos

Check out the stories that have inspired us to initiate the Responsibility #StartsWithMe movement and the people who have helped us create lasting change

Our cost-free digital alcohol education program for colleges, universities, and organizations to use with college age students

Ask, Listen, Learn is a completely FREE digital underage drinking prevention program for kids ages 9-13 (grades 4-8) and their parents and educators with the goal to reduce underage drinking

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Policy Positions and Recommendations

Explore our policy positions to learn about our recommended countermeasures and related key research to support efforts to combat impaired driving and underage drinking.

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Core Four Principles for Responsible Alcohol Delivery

Alcohol delivery services allow for Americans of legal drinking
age to have their favorite alcohol beverages delivered. Learn how companies can best exhibit responsibility.

DUI/DUID Policy Checklists for Legislators

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Call to Action Here

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Our Funding Members

Our funding members make the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking possible through their collective action.