Democracy Dies in Darkness

1950 Census data to be unveiled Friday, after 72 years under wraps

Names, addresses and family details could be a gold mine for researchers

March 30, 2022 at 7:06 p.m. EDT
A census enumerator gets data from a Virginia housewife for the 1950 Census. On April 1, 2022, the National Archives is going to release the detailed data gathered during the 1950 Census. (National Archives)
7 min

On April 1, 1950, an army of 140,000 census enumerators, equipped with fountain pens and government forms, started fanning out across the country to paint a portrait of the United States.

Knocking on doors, asking questions about marriage, divorce, race and income, they gathered the personal details of life for 151 million Americans who had just emerged from an era of cataclysmic war and economic depression.