Think pink: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here’s what you need to know.
The Story
This year, more than 260,000 women (and about 2,400 men) will be diagnosed with breast cancer. It is the second most common cancer among women in the US. And tens of thousands lose their lives to the disease each year. But the good news is that science is making strides: Early detection, improvements in treatment options, and increased awareness are helping more and more people beat the cancer. Now, the average five-year survival rate for women with breast cancer is 90%. And being proactive about your health is key.
So what can I do?
Early detection is critical. Experts recommend…
Knowing your risk factors. Yes, that could be a family history of the disease or the breast cancer gene mutations (like BRCA 1 and BRCA 2). But, worth noting: The majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history. Risk factors could also be tied to your reproductive history (think: if you started your period earlier than 12, or menopause after 55). Or your lifestyle (think: low exercise, high alcohol consumption), according to Dr. Toma Omofoye in an interview with theSkimm.
Talking to your doc early. It’s a good idea to start having conversations about breast cancer as early as age 25, says Dr. Omofoye. Even though just 9% of all new breast cancer cases occur in women under 45 at the moment, “there is some concern that the overall age of breast cancer diagnosis is shifting younger and younger.” So your doctor can help you assess your personal risk and create a screening plan to follow as you go through life. Which is especially important if the disease runs in your family. Your doctor can also discuss ways to reduce your risk, like medicine or a mastectomy.
Sticking with annual mammograms. Ever been confused by conflicting mammogram guidelines? You’re not alone. Here’s the latest from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network: Women with an average risk should start annual mammograms at age 40. In addition to screening for cancer, mammograms can also identify lesser-known risk factors like having dense breasts.
Becoming familiar with your breasts. In one study, nearly 80% of younger women found their own breast cancer lumps. Meaning, don’t be shy in giving yourself self-exams. But don't rely solely on those. Clinical breast exams are also important — since the goal is to catch cancer even before there’s a lump or visual change. “Any change in your breasts that lasts longer than two weeks needs to be addressed as quickly as possible,” says Dr. Omofoye. And that goes for guys, too.
Breast cancer is a topic that’s especially top of mind this month. But it should really be top of mind every month. Because raising awareness and early detection can ultimately save lives.
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Eyes On
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Russia. Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin officially declared the annexation of four occupied regions of Ukraine. The area amounts to roughly 15% of Ukraine, and is the biggest annexation in Europe since World War II.It comes after sham referendums in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson where residents reported being forced to vote at gunpoint. Now, the Russian parliament will officially ratify the results. The Biden admin has already announced new sanctions — and Western countries have condemned the annexation as illegal. Yesterday, Ukraine submitted an “accelerated” application for NATO membership and vowed to reclaim every mile that Russia has taken since its invasion earlier this year. Today the Ukrainian army says it has surrounded and entered Russian-occupied Lyman, a strategic transportation hub in the eastern Donetsk region — which Russia just illegally claimed as its own.
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1. The perfect drink for Sober October. This award-winning non-alcoholic bev is real wine (read: not juice) minus the booze and side effects. So you can skip the hangxiety (hint: hangover + anxiety). PS: Code SKIMMFAM gets you 25% off your first order. Brb, stocking up.*
2. How to help your dog ~fall~ into healthier habits. Crunchy leaves are great, but crunchy kibble? Highly processed. Try giving your pup this fresh dog food instead. It’s real, human-grade food with real benefits. And ships to your door. Here’s 50% off your first box.*
3. The best sales to shop this week. From select items at The Home Depot to a free bag of coffee at Atlas Coffee Club. We've rounded up discounts and deals you won't wanna miss.
*PS: This is a sponsored post.
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Skimm'd by Maria del Carmen Corpus, Carly Mallenbaum, Xian Chiang-Waren, Melissa Goldberg, and Clem Robineau