‘Sad Beige’ Has Taken Over Baby Gear, Clothing, Decor

Parents are gravitating toward neutral hues that match their minimalist tastes; ‘I don’t think many kids’ favorite color is beige’

Krissy Kyne decorated her son’s nursery in beige. Krissy Kyne

Krissy Kyne, a 27-year-old makeup artist in San Antonio, is giving birth to a baby boy this week. The room waiting for him at home is neither blue nor pink, but beige.

It has a light-colored wood crib, a woven jute rug, a latte-hued changing pad and a cream ottoman, with oatmeal throw pillows and camel muslin blankets strewn about. Ms. Kyne said her mother-in-law told her her taste for neutrals looked “sterile,” but she has committed to the aesthetic, stocking drawers with beige onesies, beige sweatsuits and beige socks.

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