US News

‘Crazy plane lady’ Tiffany Gomas apologizes after viral ‘motherf–er is not real’ rant aboard American Airlines flight

The foul-mouthed Texas native who was kicked off an American Airlines flight after a caught-on-camera meltdown issued a mea culpa Sunday, saying her behavior was “completely unacceptable.”

“Distressed or not, I should have been, I should have been in control of my emotions, and that was not the case,” Tiffany Gomas, 38, of Dallas, told TMZ in a clip in which she promoted her website and asked viewers to join her in “promoting positive mental health and standing up against cyberbullying.”

The marketing executive was booted from the July 2 flight from Dallas to Orlando, Fla., after she accused another passenger of stealing her AirPods — and bizarrely stated “that motherf—er is not real” in now-viral video of the incident.

“You can sit on this plane and you can f–ing die with them or not. I’m not going to,” the crazed woman said as the plane was taxiing, according to the clip.

She demanded that the crew “stop the plane,” and the aircraft was brought back to the gate and Gomas ejected.

Tiffany Gomas was booted from the July 2 flight from Dallas to Orlando, Fla., after accusing another passenger of stealing her AirPods. Instagram / Tiffany Gomas

She then allegedly refused to leave the boarding area and continued her rant while being escorted outside the terminal — where she repeatedly swore at officers, telling several to “get the f–k out of my face” — and insisted the plane would explode after takeoff, video shows.

In her selfie-style video for TMZ, Gomas said she wanted to take “full accountability for my actions,” calling her behavior “completely unacceptable.”

“Hi, everyone, it’s me, Tiffany Gomas, probably better known as the ‘crazy plane lady,’ which is completely warranted,” the nearly two-and-a-half-minute clip begins.

Police were overheard saying they believed Gomas was intoxicated. knuckelslawncare/Tiktok
Tiffany Gomas allegedly refused to leave the boarding area and continued her rant while being escorted out of the terminal. DFW PD

“My use of profanity was completely unnecessary, and I want to apologize to everyone on that plane, especially those that had children aboard,” says Gomas, clad in a tan blazer, low-cut top, heavy makeup and large hoop earrings.

“We all have our bad moments, um, some are far worse than others, and mine happened to be caught on camera for the whole world to see multiple times,” she continues, appearing to grow emotional.

“Sorry, y’all. I hope that I can use this experience and do a little good in the world, and that is what I intend to do,” Gomas adds. “I hope that you guys can accept my apology and I can begin to move on with my life.”

Tiffany Gomas said she took “full accountability” for her actions and called her behavior unacceptable. Instagram / Tiffany Gomas

Gomas was given a verbal criminal trespass notice by an airline manager but was not formally charged or arrested by cops, who were heard on bodycam footage saying they believed she was intoxicated.