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A sleep expert gives her best tips for beating jet lag — what to do before, during, and after your flight

This article was medically reviewed by Jason R. McKnight, MD, MS, a family medicine physician and clinical assistant professor at Texas A&M College of Medicine
Close up on person in a mask sleeping against a plane window
Generally, avoid sleeping on the flight unless it is 7-10 hours and overnight. Uma Shankar sharma/Getty Images
  • If you're traveling over more than a few time zones, you'll likely experience jet lag. 
  • Before your flight, you'll want to try your best to adjust to your destination's time zone. 
  • Once you arrive, try your best to limit caffeine and naps in order to sleep through the night.

If you've flown across the country or the ocean, you've probably experienced a phenomenon called jet lag — a mismatch between your normal daily routines and the time at your new destination. 

If you're hopping more than a few time zones, your body will inevitably need some time to adjust — and you may struggle with symptoms like difficulty sleeping, fatigue, and generally feeling "off."

The good news: A little preparation can go a long way when it comes to jet lag. Sabra Abbott, associate professor of neurology in sleep medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, says it's possible to minimize the effects of jet lag before, during, and after you fly. Here's her advice. 

What is jet lag? 

Many bodily functions, such as hunger and sleep, are driven by an internal clock called the circadian rhythm. The clock's most important cue is sunlight, which essentially sets a schedule for your body to wake up and go to bed at regular times. 

Jet lag happens when you enter a new time zone faster than your circadian rhythm can adjust.

"If you rapidly shift to another time zone where the light/dark schedule is different than your internal clock, you can have several days when all those processes have to catch up," says Abbott. 

While it can affect people differently, jet lag can cause symptoms such as: 

  • Difficulty falling and staying asleep
  • Decreased alertness during the day 
  • Feeling sleepy during the day
  • General malaise 
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms 

Studies suggest that jet lag is more severe the more time zones someone travels.It also tends to be worse when you travel eastward rather than westward because the body can more easily lengthen its circadian rhythm than shorten it. Basically, it's harder to go to bed earlier than you normally do than later.

Some people are more likely to experience jet lag than others: Abbott says older people generally don't notice as many negative effects — studies aren't clear on why — but people who travel frequently may be impacted less because they've learned how to prevent severe symptoms. On the flipside, research suggests people who've experienced jet lag once are likely to experience it again.

It can take a few days to overcome jet lag symptoms — according to Abbott, jet lag duration often corresponds with the number of time zones you traveled. So if you traveled three time zones, you may feel better in that many days. "That's the rough average, but it can be shorter than that," Abbott says. "Everyone is different with how they adjust."

What to do before you travel

A week before the trip, Abbott suggests gradually shifting your schedule toward the new one each day to help your circadian rhythm adjust to a new routine. 

Let's say you usually go to sleep at 11 PM CT, which is 5 AM in Paris. Go to sleep a bit earlier each night and wake up a bit earlier each day leading up to your trip. 

Abbott also recommends eating closer and closer to the times you'll be eating at your destination to shift your body's hunger cues. 

Also, if you have an important event, it might be best to arrive a few days before it so you can adjust beforehand. 

Tips for during the flight 

To keep your body ready for the change, Abbott says to try to follow the schedule you'd be following in your new time zone on the flight. If it's daytime where you're going, stay awake; if it's night time, try to sleep. Earplugs and something to cover your eyes may help you sleep.

Some people prefer overnight flights so they can sleep the whole time, which may make it easier to push through the next day and go to bed at a "normal" hour. Keep in mind this approach only works if your flight is long enough to ensure enough quality sleep (Abbott says that's 7 to 10 hours). 

Avoid drinking too much caffeine and alcohol during the flight. Both can make jet lag worse by disrupting your sleep quality and circadian rhythm.

What to do when you arrive 

When you land, you'll probably be tired. But resist the urge to take a three-hour nap if it's daytime; sleeping at the wrong time will only make it harder to go to bed later. 

If you absolutely must sleep, a quick hour should be enough to tide you over until bedtime. 

"Get enough sleep so you can push through the rest of the day and go to bed at the new clock time rather than following your home schedule," Abbott says. 

A bit of caffeine can help you stay up when you want to be sleeping, but Abbott cautions against too much late in the day, which will only keep you up at night. 

Research suggests taking a melatonin supplement before bed can also help reset your internal clock when you hop time zones. "If you take melatonin outside of the window you'd naturally be producing it, you can shift your clock earlier or later," Abbott says. She suggests taking half to one milligram about an hour before bedtime. 

Other studies have found prescription sleep medication like zolpidem (Ambien) can help people with jet lag fall asleep at night the first few days after arrival in a new time zone, but not with other symptoms of jet lag, such as GI upset or moodiness.

When it's time for bed, practice sleep hygiene to remind your body it's time to rest. Abbott recommends closing the curtains and turning out all the lights in your room to simulate dark and wearing ear plugs or using white noise to create a quiet environment. 

It can also help to eat meals and be active at the same clock time you normally would. For example, if you normally eat lunch and then go for a walk around noon your time, doing the same in your new destination can help your body shift to the new schedule. "Everything you do can serve as  a time cue, so try to adapt those activities to your new time schedule as well," Abbott says. 

Insider's takeaway 

Traveling more than a few time zones can disrupt your physiology, causing jet lag symptoms that can interfere with your routine on your trip. If you can, consider preparing your body for your trip just as you'd prepare the logistics of your travels. "You can't prevent jet lag, but you can take steps to help your body adjust," Abbott says.

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