All About August's Blue Supermoon and What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign

This month's full lunar phase will be a blue moon, simultaneously marking the third of four consecutive supermoons within 2023

Blue Moon
The phrase "once in a blue moon" refers to something that happens very rarely. Photo: Victor Walsh Photography/Moment/Getty Images

What's better than one full moon a month? Two full moons!

Kicking off August's cosmic calendar was the Sturgeon Moon, the first full moon of the month on Aug. 1. Fortunately for lunar lovers, this month will have a second full moon — called a blue moon — which will peak on Aug. 30.

"Usually months have only one full moon, but occasionally a second one sneaks in," according to NASA, This year's in particular will appear at the closest point to Earth, resulting in a super blue moon.

Blue moons are rare occurrences that occur every two and a half years on average. The last blue moon, for example, occurred in October 2020. (That explains the expression "once in a blue moon.")

Despite its title, however, it will not actually look blue. According to Smithsonian Magazine, amateur astronomer James High Pruett "incorrectly interpreted the term in an article he wrote in Sky & Telescope using the meaning we know today."

Want to observe it at its peak Wednesday night? All you'll need to do is step outside, though NASA recommends binoculars if you want to really take in the moon's detail while it is at its closest point.

Like all full moons, the blue moon has energetic and astrologic significance in addition to symbolic meaning. Astrologer Kyle Thomas tells PEOPLE that this year's blue moon is also a full moon in Pisces, resulting in the "water sign's energy to be infused into our lives."

As it signifies the twelfth and final zodiac sign on the wheel and is the polarity of Virgo, Thomas — who is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — says that both zodiac signs "hold ties" to our physical and mental health, as well as "the physical or spiritual world."

He adds, "This duality grounds us in the practical, while also opening us up to the divine."

To find out what August's blue moon could mean for you based on your zodiac sign, per Thomas' suggestions, read on!

Aries (March 21-April 19)



It's time to emotionally and spiritually relax and recharge, Aries. This full moon has potential to help you "tap into your innate psychic abilities and intuition," says Thomas.

He explains, "If you’re sensing a hunch, you could be on the right path. Write down any dreams or repeated déjà vu that you experience." Thomas suggests "listing to what the universe is telling you."

Taurus (April 20-May 20)



Glam, romance and enchantment could be in your future, Taurus! "You’ll likely be surrounded by many friends, fans or followers" because Thomas says "this lunation spotlights your social network and connections."

Whether you're "attending a milestone event or even meeting many new people," Thomas says "a dearly held hope, aspiration or dream could also be within reach." Romantically, for those who are single and ready to mingle, he says now is the time to "get out there" or "try online dating."

Gemini (May 21-June 20)



Get ready to fly high, Gemini! "This lunation spotlights your professional world and could bring a promotion, award, accolade or new job offer," predicts Thomas. "Hustle hard at this time; you’ll get very far now." He optimistically adds, "If a job ends near this time, you’re being redirected."

Cancer (June 21-July 22)



Prepare to soar in new directions, Cancer! Whether that prompts you to "book a flight" to venture out or "plan a fun vacation" in the coming year, Thomas says this lunation "could propel you to swim into new territory."

In addition to a potential getaway, other important sectors of your life could also experience change. "Academic endeavors, legal projects and media or publishing plans could also see a shift now," says Thomas.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)



Hope you like the color green, Leo! "A big payout, bonus, scholarship, inheritance or benefits package could be swimming your way," predicts Thomas. "This could also bring news around your assets or investments."

Finance aside, romance is likely to be present during this lunation as well. "You’ll be feeling quite sensual and intimate near this time," says Thomas.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)



Partnerships have extra significance at this time, Virgo! "A big turning point around a significant relationship could be at hand," says Thomas. "You may move in, make a long-term promise, commit, get engaged or even be wed."

If you're single, Thomas says you "could find someone with long term relationship potential." He adds, however, that a couple could go their separate ways if they're "not aligned."

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)



Keep on grinding, you busy Libra! "You may be polishing off a big project for your employer, taking on more responsibilities or even leaving one job to begin another," says Thomas. Balance is key, he says. "Assess your work-life balance to make sure you’re not burning yourself out."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)



Embrace the magic every second you can, Scorpio! "Romance, passion, pleasure, art, beauty and fertility all shine at this time," says Thomas. "Singles may find a soulmate connection or even fall in love."

For those who are in relationship, Thomas says this full moon can be used "to jazz up their connection for more sugar and spice." He adds, "If you have children or are looking to, important news in regards to this may manifest."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Have domestic concerns, Sagittarius? Thomas suggests this lunation "could cause a shift around your home, real estate, family or parents." For instance, he explains "you may choose to move, redecorate or have a renovation," while "others could decide to have a dazzling dinner party that everyone enjoys."

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)



Feeling creative, Capricorn? "With this lunation energizing your mind, you could be debuting or working on a major intellectual, writing, speaking, advertising, branding or communications-related project," says Thomas. "Launch your thoughts out into the world and watch who responds to you."

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)



A financial switch up could be in your future, Aquarius. In addition to the possibility of bringing money in, Thomas suggests that this lunation could also "cause you to invest it in the right places" as well.

He adds, "A raise, new client, new job offer or side hustle may appear near this time. If an income stream leaves or changes, use this energy to hustle to new territory."

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)



The power is in your hands, Pisces! "As the full moon falls in your zodiac sign, you’ll be large and in charge," says Thomas.

"A very important personal goal or dream may now be in reach, as well as a shift around a significant relationship," he continues. "Now is the moment to step into your power, assert yourself and show everyone why you’re so beautiful, magical and unique."

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