Fall Vibes

Patterned Pantyhose Nails Are Grungy and Preppy in One Delicious Hit

Avril Lavigne meets Blair Waldorf.
Patterned pantyhose nails are a fall vibe that goes with any aesthetic.
overglowedit / Instagram

Patterned pantyhose nails are picking up from where we left off in the aughts, when we wore patterned polka-dot tights underneath denim shorts or miniskirts. And in the age of “aesthetics,” if you haven't yet decided whether you're a grungy girl, a cozy girl, or a preppy girl, the good news is the nail trend plays well with all three.

We first spotted patterned pantyhose nails on the grid of our nail crush, Melanie, at Overglow Edit. Her design sees the thumb and pinkie blacked out in an opaque design with white polka dots, while the three middle nails feature a sexy-sheer lick of transparent black with a mix of polkas and Frenchies.

The curious thing is that they look as though they'd work just as well on edgy rocker types with stompy boots, heavy liner, and torn tights as they would on a preppy Blair Waldorf type with a plaid miniskirt, velvet Alice in Wonderland headband, and patterned stockings.

Or, if you're into minimalistic tailoring or cozy-girl autumn colors, the good news is that the soft shades of black offer up a neutral that goes with everything, but still offers an interesting twist.

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It's not the first time we've seen tights infiltrate mani trends. At the beginning of the year, celebrity nail artist Betina Goldstein gave us “black sheer pantyhose” nails with an opaque black seam and a skinny Frenchie at the tip.

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And last November luxury manicurist Iram Shelton created a darker rendition for those cold winter days, also finished off with a full black tip.

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Taking the tights trend a step further, we've even seen pantyhose eye shadow start to trend, with celebrity fans like Kylie Jenner jumping on board.

So, if you feel nostalgic for 2000s patterned tights, applying the print to your nails is actually a whole entire vibe.

This post was originally published on Glamour UK.