Find and schedule respiratory vaccinations

RSV=respiratory syncytial virus. By selecting "Find vaccines" you will be directed to locations that have the vaccines selected available based on information made available to VaxAssist. As a result, not all vaccination locations will be reflected. If your preferred vaccination location is not shown, please contact them directly for availability. Must be 18+ to book online. Questions about vaccination should be directed to your healthcare provider as VaxAssist is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare professional. Before administration you will be asked additional questions to assess your eligibility.

Questions about eligibility?

Talk to your healthcare provider about what is right for you.

CDC recommends pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination for adults 50+ or 19+ with certain medical conditions and/or risk factors. Please consult with your healthcare provider about your eligibility.
CDC recommends everyone 6 months of age and older get a 2024​-​2025 COVID-19 vaccine, including people who previously received a COVID-19 vaccine or had COVID-19. For adults 65+ and individuals who are moderately or severely immunocompromised, talk to your healthcare provider about additional doses.
CDC recommends everyone 6+ months get vaccinated every flu season.
CDC recommends everyone 75+ and people 60-74 with certain medical conditions and/or risk factors receive a single dose of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine. Please consult with your healthcare provider about your eligibility.
The CDC recommends RSV vaccination if you are 32 through 36 weeks pregnant during September through January (in most of the United States). There are areas in the U.S., including southern FL, AK, HI, and the U.S. territories, where RSV does not follow typical seasonal patterns and the recommended months for maternal vaccination may differ.

For those under 18, consult your healthcare provider about your eligibility. Or, visit for more information.

What might vaccination cost?

If you have insurance, including Medicare or Medicaid, your pneumococcal pneumonia, RSV, Flu, and COVID-19 vaccinations may be available at no additional cost to you. Please contact your insurance company for specific cost information for these vaccines. People without insurance may pay the list price per dose, plus any additional pharmacy charges that may apply.

Participating providers

The participating providers listed have contracted with Pfizer Inc. to make certain vaccination appointments available on VaxAssist. The participating providers are not affiliated with Pfizer Inc. or VaxAssist.

Become a participating provider

Want to participate? Join VaxAssist in helping communities in scheduling CDC recommended respiratory vaccinations. Contact us.