Which etiquette question should an expert answer next week?
Julia Stiles on Manifesting a New Career Chapter“I told Paul Greengrass about my short and that I was interested in directing. He was like, “nobody's going to tell you that you can do it. You have to be the one saying ‘I'm directing...' That was over ten years ago, and that's how long it took me to really do it.”
CNN’s Laura Coates on Sacrificing Financial Independence for a Career Move“I was coming from a federal employee salary. By no means was I rolling in the big bucks at all. I had to balance the idea of what it would be like to have to sacrifice based on my own ambition for our whole household.”
Bobbie CEO Laura Modi on Making the Unpopular Move“I was in a meeting with our head of growth. She came in and she said, "I can't believe I'm telling you this because of my role, but we have to turn off our growth immediately. We have a problem.”
L’Oréal CMO Han Wen on The Power of Listening First“Not all questions means that it is a criticism. At the end of it – if you're able to go through this process of debate – the outcome is actually better for everyone.”
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