Democracy Dies in Darkness

Trying to decipher a man’s mind? Now there’s a name for that.

March 27, 2024 at 8:02 a.m. EDT
An illustration of the outline of a mans head with small pieces of paper and notes and one photo connected with red string.
(Illustration by Chelsea Conrad/The Washington Post)
6 min

When Ellie Anderson, an assistant professor of philosophy at Pomona College in Claremont, Calif., had coffee with female friends, she noticed the conversation often involved dissecting the meaning of comments or texts from their male romantic partners.

Together, they’d talk through an argument with a boyfriend, or try to interpret a vague text message from the night before. They’d game out the next step, deciding when, if at all, to bring up the issue, and then carefully prepare what they’d say or draft a text message in response.