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What the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8 means for your zodiac sign

You'll be able to see and feel this one.

An eclipse is coming to North America — but you probably knew that already.

Live updates: Following along for our total solar eclipse live blog

The 2024 total solar eclipse, dubbed the Great American Eclipse, will be visible across much of the United States. But it will be felt, astrologically, across the world.

Total solar eclipses occur when the moon fully blocks the sun's light. During the minutes this occurs, called totality, the sky darkens and the temperature drops. Eclipse comes from the Greek word that means “abandonment” because the sun briefly abandons us.

How can I see the total solar eclipse on April 8?

According to NASA, the eclipse will cross from Mexico into the United States, ultimately arriving in Canada.

A partial eclipse will be visible in 48 contiguous states. A total eclipse, in which the moon fully blocks the sun, will be visible in about 15, barring weather.

In the U.S., the eclipse path starts at Texas and goes through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Areas of Tennessee and Michigan will also experience the total solar eclipse, per NASA.

The eclipse will also be live streamed and available to watch for free on sites like, Time and Date and NASA.

What are the astrological effects of the total solar eclipse on April 8?

This solar eclipse offers the chance to heal from the past. Think of a solar eclipse as a very potent new moon. In astrology, new moons represent new beginnings — but only if you do the energetic work to move on without ties to the past.

The upcoming solar eclipse falls in the sign of Aries. It occurs on the lunar nodes of destiny — the astrological name for the elliptical path the moon travels — which are currently in Aries and Libra. The lunar eclipse March 25 was in Libra.

Astrologically, Mercury in retrograde and the constellation Chiron, known as the cosmos’ healer, will connect with the eclipse degree, bringing closure to the past. It will be a time of goodbyes and hellos. Embrace this magical journey..

How the solar eclipse will affect your sign

Eclipses are thought to affect all signs. Here's how it may impact yours.


The eclipse is going to be eye-opening, giving a new window to the past. You’ll be able to see the role you played in certain situations, which may push you to make amends with others.


By confronting your fears and delving into your subconscious, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself. You will come to realize that many of your fears are created in your mind, and are not based in reality.


You’re undergoing a personal metamorphosis, bringing in relationships with those who share your values and goals. There might be some changeups in your social circle as you gravitate toward these new relationships.


You might think you have everything figured out. But actually, you’re sitting on so much untapped potential. Pitch something new to the people in your life or your work, and show them there are still surprises left in you.


If you’re itching for an adventure and eager to break free from your mundane routines and responsibilities, try embarking on a low-key trip to an unfamiliar place. The key to having an enjoyable and authentic experience is not the destination itself, but the company you keep.


Virgo, try your hardest to avoid overanalyzing. Take time to think about what you really want before committing to a choice at the moment. Keeping your options open can help you navigate the situation with more ease and confidence, without second-guessing your decisions.


Instead of immediately dropping whatever is bothering you, think about how you can change the situation. What are you contributing to a dynamic? How can you alter your behavior to benefit the world around you? Do some reflecting.


If you are facing persistent issues with your co-workers, it might be time to consider a new approach to communicating with them. Consider bringing in a third party to mediate the situation. This can help to resolve the issue with minimal drama, allowing for a peaceful conversation.


To fully enrich your eclipse encounter, consider channeling your creativity into an artistic endeavor. Whether it’s capturing the eclipse through photography or painting, or expressing your emotions through writing, share your unique perspective of the world with the world.


Lately you prefer spending time at home to running around town. Nesting and connecting with your dwelling can be a rewarding experience. In fact, you might even consider hosting a dinner party with a few friends to enjoy good times in the privacy of your own home.


You've been pouring the best of you into other people. While it’s admirable to be so giving, remember to take care of yourself as well. Take a break, rather than constantly running around trying to please everyone else.


Shift your focus from lack to what you do have. Try to cultivate a sense of peace with the present. Ironically, feeling good about where you are right here, right now, could attract a brighter life.