Mark Zuckerberg manifested nearly $68 billon by incentivizing people all around the world to develop crippling internet addictions that beget cycles of dopamine and despair. Like all of us, he also has his personal little vanities and preferences: the gray T-shirts, the perennial banglets, the excessive hydration. Aside from all that, what else does Zuck do for self-care?
According to a new book out this month about Facebook, Zuckerberg gets his armpits “blowdried” routinely, reportedly having his communication employees at Facebook do it before he has to give a big speech. The New York Post reports that Steven Levy writes in his new book Facebook: The Inside Story about how Zuckerberg “is consumed by his public image,” which includes being brutally owned after perspiring with abandon during a televised 2010 interview about privacy issues. The Post explains that, according to the book, “The 35-year-old wants to look cool and dry instead of sweaty and nervous, and has assistants make sure his famous gray T-shirts are immaculate before he takes the stage at public events.”
Facebook spokesperson Liz Bourgeois told Business Insider in an email responding to claims that Zuck blows out his underarms, “I doubt this is true and if so it would have been at our communication team’s request, but surely anyone who has ever worn a gray T-shirt can relate.”
If I had Zuckerberg’s vast fortune I’d probably just find a way to plug up all the pores in my body. Or perhaps ask an employee to buy me a formal tank top.