Graphic tees can be so fun. It's like, if you wanna wear a shirt but also wanna make a cool, funny statement, a graphic T-shirt has all your bases covered. What could go wrong?!

A lot. A lot could go wrong. Why? Because there are some very dumb people in this world who think it's totally chill and fine to create a shirt for men that basically makes a punch line out of rape! 

Available now at Forever 21, an incredibly rapey men's T-shirt:

Human, Sleeve, Facial hair, Shoulder, Standing, Joint, White, Elbow, Organ, Font, pinterest
Forever 21

... I just. How? Who? Why? Surely it took multiple people to make this shirt happen. Surely there were several sets of eyes within Forever 21's infrastructure who saw this slogan and said, "Yep, looks good," before it went up on the site for sale. Surely at least one of those people might've had a conscience, or the brainpower to think critically about this slogan, and say, "Hey, guys, wait a minute, does this maybe come across as rapey?"

But no! I guess not! Because now, for just $19.90, you can be the owner of maybe the worst T-shirt I've literally ever seen in my life. 

Product, Sleeve, Text, Shoulder, White, Facial hair, Style, Font, Neck, Beard, pinterest

Literally what was Forever 21 thinking with this one? Here's to hoping no one buys this shirt, or god forbid, thinks it's funny and wears it. The only acceptable use for this shirt is as kindling in a fire. 

Update 3/14, 4:30 p.m.: Forever 21 has removed the rape-y graphic t-shirt from its website, and offered the following statement

"Forever 21 strives to exemplify the highest ethical standards and takes feedback and product concerns very seriously. With regards to the t-shirt in question, upon receiving feedback from our customers, we took immediate action to have it removed from our website. We sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by the product."

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